Tuesday, July 14, 2009


promise, destiny, and freedom are in the sunshine today
i'm drinking in the breeze and getting loose
all charged up
opportunity has arrived
it's at my fingertips, i'm on the starting line
turning the page, it's a new story
the page is blank, but creativity is flowing
dreams are formulating, victory is in the air
carried on the wind from the distance
life is a question about to be answered
promise and destiny call
i'm free to run

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

shala mo na yethi

rotake yesu as-saluma reso
sibo lati yethimu la
ek-ketuma as-samura ti
rohsha keyia ti rota kaya romo nanana rota


I had a dream. Just before dawn I was cruising down the highway west. away from all this mess. The mountains ahead of me, deep blue in the ...