Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Although I am broken and defeated by life,
There is a river of new memories waiting to be discovered in the forest ahead of me.
The rush of beauty and love like I have never known.
I'll dive in and be carried along over the mountain stones with joy, through all the laughter and pain.
I believe it is possible to live a happy life,
if I can just learn to see things the way He does.
Then my eyes will be opened to the beauty that is already around me.
I will feel my friends' love and drink in the wonder of each day.
Pain will be bearable because I will have hope,
knowing something about every tear that I don't know now.
I believe in God, I believe in the Gospel. I believe happiness is possible.


In your eyes I see a dream
It's early morning, and the sunlight is glinting off her silken hair,
glasses on the nightstand.
I see another one:
A snowy day, sitting on a bench in a park, watching our children play.
I see another one, it's morning again, in a field, the sun is shining on the tall yellow grass.
I see another one: It's Christmas and she's wearing a red and black sweater.
I see another one: She's singing her to sleep.
I see another one, this blasted rain won't stop.
I see wind in the trees one fall, change is coming.
A young girl in our kitchen, coming to know the Lord.
Me at a piano, I'm writing you a song.
My son - Be careful with that guitar.
Tears at a lost temper.
Tears at a cold shoulder.
Reconciliation in secret.
A bonfire in the woods with friends, just like old times.
A dog that we have to give away because we are moving.
A home of acceptance and love
A home where we're wanted and where we belong
A home where we can be ourselves, and our dreams matter.
Where we matter.
I see it in your eyes.


You landed in my hand
Your lavender wings beating as your tiny feet held my finger
I let you go
O when will you come back to me?


I had a dream. Just before dawn I was cruising down the highway west. away from all this mess. The mountains ahead of me, deep blue in the ...