Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Look at me!

Look at me!
My right hand is in something good- and so is my left.
My hair looks good- and so do I.
Are you important too? We should be friends. Forgive me- I'll have to delete a contact to put your name in my phone. I guess I just know too many people!
By the way, I'm having a party at my house. You seem rich and influential, so you are invited! Feel free to invite any friends you think I'd be interested in meeting!
Oh, you mean her? The beautiful, talented one on the left? Funny story how she and I are connected!
Pardon me-
I'm sorry, who are you? Don't you know how to act around me? Some people have no manners these days.
Anyway, as I was saying, you know, that is true, I do have lots of good looking friends. Isn't that odd!


I swam and swam across the stormy ocean
fleeing from you.
I ran and ran through the forest and the desert,
running from you.
I crossed many continents in my journeys,
had many stormy love affairs, all ending in heartbreak,
saw beauty, witnessed injustice, and learned many lessons,
as I fled and fled, away from you, running and running,
trying to escape
from your angry gaze.


I had a dream. Just before dawn I was cruising down the highway west. away from all this mess. The mountains ahead of me, deep blue in the ...