Saturday, July 24, 2010


i'll tie my hand to yours with a ribbon
and we'll run away together
to Switzerland
and we'll go hide in the mountains
and play games
we'll hike way up, where no one will find us,
and we'll pray, and look over the Alps,
and say refined things in German,
and read each other French poetry
that we brought specially along just for this view
and then we'll hold hands,
and jump off the cliff.
we'll fall and fall, through worlds never seen by human eyes,
and land in a magical place, all our own.
we'll find a ship,
and sail across the sea together,
and we'll never ever leave each other,
and we'll look for treasure,
and when we find it,
we'll spend it all on each other,
and give each other butterfly kisses
under the stars.
and we'll travel through the desert
and talk to birds and drink water from cactuses
and do all those desert-y things
and then we'll wake up, still in Switzerland, and look into each other's eyes,
and know that neither of us will ever be alone

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I had a dream. Just before dawn I was cruising down the highway west. away from all this mess. The mountains ahead of me, deep blue in the ...