Saturday, October 23, 2010

Evil God

I hate you, Evil God.
You team up with Pharaoh and help enslave the nations.
You force me to submit to hurtful people;
you don't care about my feelings.
You turn me over to evil people,
you condemn me when I don't forgive them,
you reprimand me when I try to fight them,
you punish me when I rebel against them.
You force me to submit my mind to confusing teachings;
you condemn me when I ask questions;
you punish me when I challenge teachers.
You tell me those in authority are always right.
You demand that I say that you are good,
you bully me into gratitude.
You bind me up with cords of rope so that I won't fight evil;
You lash out at me angrily or sternly correct me when I judge evil;
You turn me over to the tormentors whenever I am angry at being abused;
You try to make me like a sheep or a kitten,
you cut off my testicles and force me to live in fear,
and then you reprimand me for not hanging out with men.
You tell me not to ask questions about whether hurtful people's behavior is wrong;
You judge me and write me off, saying "he's just bitter,
don't worry about him.
Obviously he just needs to forgive.
He has issues.
He is demonized for a reason."
You minimize my pain,
You're tired of listening,
You are sick and tired of my shit.
You force me to believe evil people have good intentions,
to give them the benefit of the doubt,
to believe the best about them.
You make me stand by and watch with a cheesy grin of love
while they rape and pillage and torment.
With outstretched arms of love, I will win them to your big teddy bear heart.
They won't know the truth about you;
No one does.
Only I know the truth.
Everyone else knows your teddy bear heart.
"Stop judging your dad!
You are under a curse.
You need to repent."
You take away my weapons and rape me.
You take away my will to fight and my will to live,
and threaten me with hell if I commit suicide.
You trap me at every turn,
my escape route is blocked off,
so that you can torment me.
Yet I will praise you, because I have to,
or else they will get me and reprimand me with the Bible:
"Fuck you, Evil God.
Go to hell."

1 comment:

  1. Really, I like this.A tallit is made of white wool and strict observers ensure their Talis is made of the white wool of sheep from Eretz Israel.



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